Strict mode bug

Have you found an annoying bug? Tell me about it and I'll try to fix it asap
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Strict mode bug

Post by DorianLeFou »

Hi everyone!

Do you remember the Strict Mode? The game option which prevents us to draw a card when we can play something!

Errr..... It has a bypass issue, that a LOT of people uses:

When you don't want to play a card, but can't draw because of Strict Mode, you just have to wait for your turn time, then the game will force you to draw a card. It's a problem because Strict Mode is compromised.

To remedy this, I suggest having the player play one of the cards he can, instead of forcing the draw.

But, because this 'bug' is very often used, I've just a question: Do you agree the removal of this bug? Or do you think it's a 'hidden feature' we should keep?
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Re: Strict mode bug

Post by robin »

Have you seen many people not playing their cards just because of this? :D I expected that people would just press their card, instead of waiting for 10 seconds :lol:
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