Add new Game mechanics

Is there something you wish would be in DUO? Tell me about your ideas!
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Add new Game mechanics

Post by DorianLeFou »

Hi Duo w/ Friends community!
I'm opening this new topic to discuss new game mechanics you'd like to see in the next update! :idea:

As some comments we can see on the Play Store say, not everyone is familiar with the mechanics of Duo, and that's because each one has its own rules of the UNO game. Therefore, multiple game mechanics exists.

That's why I share with you the various Duo Game mechanics I would like to see in a next update :
  1. Duo Legacy : The authentic UNO Game rules :ugeek:
    • We can't play multiple cards which have the same number (while Duo mechanics allow it)
    • We can't stack Draw or Wild draw cards! When a player plays a +2 or +4 (or +5 for Flip mode) card, then the next player is forced to draw cards!
      (I know it's not a funny rule, but I think adding them is a good idea to please the former players of UNO)
  2. Duo Original : The Original Duo Game
    • Just the current rules! :P
    • I just want to ask if it's not possible to add a switch in game config to choose if we can play multiple cards just with the number in common, or only if there are identical (number and color) :roll:
  3. Duo Speed (I'm open to new names because I know that this one sucks) : UNO rules with on-the-fly feature
    • In this game mode, the new rule is that if you have the same card (number and color) as the one in the deck, you can play that card even if it's not your turn ! You have played on-the-fly ! Then the round continues with the player next to you.

Feel free to say what you think! ;)
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Re: Add new Game mechanics

Post by robin »

Welcome! :) .

About the DUO rules, yes, I started seeying that people even rate the game badly (1 star) on Google Play just because it doesn't have a rule they expect it to have.
It always makes me sad, but it's my fault too, since I present the game as a 'better UNO game. So it should either have the same UNO rules, or players should be able to easily set the rules to the official UNO rules.

So, I think it's a good idea to let player choose, which one of the rules he wants to play. I'm thinking about some kind of popup window, right after a player creates a lobby, there could be some kind of nice popup window with 2 icons/buttons (some kind of switcher between 'Legacy' and 'Original', and also descriptions under them, so people could choose which one they prefer. After they choose their main play style, it could save, so every time they create a lobby, the rules could apply automatically..
Also I could do it visible on lobby list, some text next to the game mode icons, or game mode icons on left, and play style on right.

I'll do it in the next updates, for sure :) . Thanks for this new ideas :) , Also, if you have Discord I can keep you updated there :)

On-The-Fly: Yes, this could be a funny gamemode/ rule to have. :)

For sure I will try to make these, but also there are things that need to be finished/fixed before I try to make another new features. I could write what I plan in "Comment My Ideas & Little Plans" section :D

//edit. I did. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6
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